Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Nothing can stop me now!

As I was getting ready to type this blog out I looked up and noticed a word, "normal" it was talking about the font I wanted to use. I instantly thought, what is normal? I would say I do not live a "normal" life for most standards. But who is to judge what is and is not normal? I titled this post, nothing can stop me now, because that is how I feel. I'm in a place in my life where my feet and down and I'm running full speed, where?  NO CLUE! But I'm going. My normal is fast and questionable. A normal day for me is quick paced and no time to rest. But if I slow down I don't feel normal. So what is your normal? Where do you begin and end? Everyone lives each day to a new normal, and what works for them. So what is stopping you? Place it in your mind that nothing is going to stop you and you are going to go!

1 comment:

  1. Glad to see you posting again! Can't say I've done any posting lately myself! My life is full speed ahead too!
